May 21, 2008

When All Else Fails, Read a Good Book

The last two months have been hard. Amid personal medical and insurance battles, my mother's increasing dementia, ugly politics locally and nationally, and growing frustration with our corrupt corporate culture, I found myself in an intolerable state of mind. I decided a good novel was the best prescription, and I found just the cure: The Secret of Lost Things by Sheridan Hay.

Whew! I needed that.

Here's my review from
This book was a thoroughly enjoyable, engaging read. The setting is a used book shop, filled with great books and staffed by unique, mostly erudite, characters. The pursuit of books and a mysterious lost manuscript are vehicles for telling the story, but this is not a book about books. It's the story of a young woman's transformation from child to self-sufficient adult and the intriguing and sometimes fanciful relationships that shape her transformation.

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